KafkaOffsetMonitor2 Kafka 2.1 이상에서 Kafka Offset Monitor 사용하기 - Unknown offset schema version 3 해결 2019-12-19 14:52:58 ERROR KafkaOffsetGetter$:103 - The message was malformed and does not conform to a type of (BaseKey, OffsetAndMetadata. Ignoring this message. kafka.common.KafkaException: Unknown offset schema version 3 at kafka.coordinator.GroupMetadataManager$.schemaForOffset(GroupMetadataManager.scala:739) at kafka.coordinator.GroupMetadataManager$.readOffsetMessageValue(GroupMetadataMana.. 2019. 12. 26. Kafka Monitoring Tool - Kafka Offset Monitor Kafka Offset Monitor This is an app to monitor your kafka consumers and their position (offset) in the queue. You can see the current consumer groups, for each group the topics that they are consuming and the position of the group in each topic queue. This is useful to understand how quick you are consuming from a queue and how fast the queue is growing. It allows for debuging kafka producers an.. 2019. 12. 26. 이전 1 다음